•  Большое путешествие Томаса

Lego 5554 конструктор Большое путешествие Томаса произведен 2006 г.. Подходит детям в возрасте 2-5лет. Большое путешествие Томаса состоит из 61 деталей. Английское название Lego Thomas Load-and-Carry Train Set

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  • Остались довольные 22 человек
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Детали из конструктора Lego Большое путешествие Томаса

Название Количество деталей Изображение Цвет
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 with Signal Light Pattern 0 BtGreen
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 with Wood Grain and FRAGILE Pattern 1 RedBrown
Duplo Кубик 2 x 2 2 Black
Duplo Кубик 2 x 2 with Кубикs Pattern 3 Red
Duplo Кубик 2 x 4 1 DkRed
Duplo Кубик 2 x 4 x 2 Center Cutout 2 DkRed
Duplo Кубик 2 x 4 x 2 with Curved Top and Clock and TIDMOUTH Pattern 1 Red
Duplo Container Box 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 with Studs on Corners and Handles on Two Sides and S.C. Ruffey Back Pattern 1 MdStone
Duplo Container Box 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 with Studs on Corners and Handles on Two Sides and S.C. Ruffey Face Pattern 1 MdStone
Duplo Fence 1 x 6 x 2 Picket 1 White
Duplo Furniture Chair 2 x 3 x 2 with Four Legs and Four Studs 1 Blue
Duplo Полоска 2 x 4 2 Yellow
Duplo Полоска 2 x 8 2 BtGreen
Duplo Полоска 4 x 8 1 Tan
Duplo Roofpiece Slope 33 4 x 4 with Awning Overhang 2 BtGreen
Duplo Train Base 2 x 6 Steam Engine with Blue Wheels and MdStone Pistons 1 Black
Duplo Train Base 4 x 8 with MdStone Wheels and Swiveling Coupling 1 DkStone
Duplo Train Cargo Hopper 1 MdOrange
Duplo Train Cargo Hopper Sliding Door 1 Red
Duplo Train Compartment 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 with Seat and Thomas Pattern 1 Blue
Duplo Train Steam Engine Front 4 x 2 x 3 with Thomas Face Pattern 1 Blue
Duplo Train Steam Engine Top 4 x 4 x 2 with Coal Box and Dome and Thomas Pattern 1 Blue
Duplo Train Track Curved 30 Degrees 16 DkStone
Duplo Turntable 2 x 2 (Complete Assembly) 1 LtStone